I think the best way to answer that question is to take a look at a few other Veeps or possible Veeps.
So, go with me if you will on a little journey down the road of people who were either in that seat, or were campaigning to be a "heart beat away".

'Nuff said.

For complete description, see Dan Quayle above.
This was the first woman to run for VP with Mondale (see playground whimp above). She was in the U.S. House of Representatives for approximately 5 years before she ran. She represented 9th district in New York, which qualifies her to make a pizza or something, but the only chance she had to break any glass ceilings was to be dropped from a helicopter. The only qualifications she had was that she was a Democrat, which of course had the liberal pundits just wooed by her siren's song.

I'll bet you never new Mr. Rogers ran for Vice President. And I'd wager that a lot of you out there don't even know who I'm talking about when I say Michael Dukakis.

A "heartbeat" away? Scary proposition.

With the condition of Cheney's heart, the most comforting thing in the last 8 years is that George Bush Jr. has only been one heartbeat away from making his own decisions.
Bet you never knew Darth Vader had an acting career.
So, back to the point at hand. Is Sarah Palin ready to be a "heartbeat" away from the Presidency. I think if you're going to be fair, you'd have to say YES! This has been a fine list of our political best; a veritable "who's who" in politics. The only reason Miss Palin is even being questioned on this is because she scares the heck out of the democrats and the main stream news media. She's pro gun, pro life, pro family and pro responsibility. All of which they are against. They also know that she's pretty much just like the average american, and that doesn't fit in with their elitist pat on the back crowd. They're more than happy to tell people how much they care about their plight as long as the closest they get to an actual "person" being interviewed is a live feed brought into the studio from Topeka.
Sarah Palin scares the heck out of them because they know that if John McCain and her get elected, that no matter how hard they battle against them, there's every chance she'll be the first woman to be elected President. And wouldn't that be horrible for the Repulicans to be the ones to put a woman in the highest office in the land. What kind of example does it set to tell a woman she can be pro gun, pro life, pro family and pro responsibility and still be successful and keep her self esteem. We didn't plan it that way. It'll never work.
Oh, and by the way Joe Biden, it's the Article II of the Constitution that outlines the duties of the Vice President, not the First Amendment. I'm quite sure they won't be talking about that gaffe on CNN.
So, the question on everyone's mind: Is Sarah Palin ready to be Vice President? "You Betcha!"
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