Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed Barry's new posters being sold by his communist/islamo-facist campaign? It bears a striking resemblance to the "che" posters from days gone by when the communists and islamo-facists were in countries far, far away; not running for president. Or should we say "el presidente' ". I mean, they even have video of little school children singing to "Dear Leader", with verses like "Obama's gonna do it, Obama's gonna lead 'em".
Gonna do what? Gonna tax 'em til they have no money left. Gonna hit their pocket books until there really is only two classes, the Obama class of Socialist politicians and Gwen Ifills who pander endlessly to this empty suit, and all the others who refused to feed at the trough of new money grabbing federal programs that bankrupt free commerce until the government has to own everything just to survive.
Gonna kill 'em before they can make it out of the womb? Oops, I forgot, he voted for legislation to kill them even if they did. Ya' know, just a note to you Barry, King Herod tried to do the same thing about 2000 years ago. He ordered his minions to go down into Bethlehem and kill all the male children under 2 years old just in case one of them was the "real" Messiah. I guess his campaign of "inclusiveness" didn't like competition either.
And where's he gonna lead 'em? Right into the pit. Right into the destruction of Sodom. Let's see, It's patriotic to pay higher taxes. It's okay for a woman and her "doctor" to decide this human life is worth nothing, (whether in the womb or out), we can't get rid of the guns just yet, (obviously because as wall street is crashing, we in the south and fly-over country are still clinging to them), so we'll just introduce legislation to make it illegal to sell them ammunition. That way, when all the left-wing, goose-stepping guilty white college kids who've been indoctrinated by all the dope-smoking liberal "professors" come house to house in their "che", er I mean "O" t-shirts, (they would never stoop so low as to wear a military uniform until "Dear Leader" puts one on), to grab our guns, the only thing we'll have left to defend ourselves is pitch forks. And if you'd like to see just how indoctrinated they really are, enjoy this little op-ed piece by one of the faithful. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what this country was founded on.
We've got 33 days until the absolute theft of the presidential election by the liberal news media who refuse to report the truth on this guy. It's time to step up and and be counted folks.
Or you can just get used to this:

1 comment:
Glad you're back. This is one “left-wing, goose-stepping guilty white (former) college kid” who will be checking in . . . although not agreeing.
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